
Where All Life Began

November 30, 2012

Fifty years on since Rachel Carson published Silent Spring, school children today learn that everything is connected. Spray pesticides to control bugs, and you wipe out birds whose egg shells…

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State Sponsored Terror

November 28, 2012

As Wikileaks continues to expose US State Department involvement in foreign government coups and destabilization campaigns, US Secretary of State Clinton and Vice President Biden continue to promote the idea…

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Asserting Jurisdiction

November 27, 2012

In this video from Mohawk TV, Cree lawyer Sharon Venne explains indigenous termination in Canada. Discussing the process by which Canada is alienating inherent indigenous governance from indigenous peoples, Venne…

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Power Down

November 26, 2012

Conservation is more than a sound social practice; to indigenous peoples it’s a law of nature. Common sense terms like waste not want not no doubt have roots in tribal…

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A Racially Discriminating Society

November 24, 2012

During the fossil-fueled extravaganza after World War II, Indian tribes in the United States were still recovering from the traumas of colonization; coerced displacement, religious conversion, and the brutal abuse…

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Salish Bounty

November 23, 2012

In Salish Bounty — a traveling food history exhibit of the Tulalip Tribes and the Burke Museum — Coast Salish food traditions that create good health are juxtaposed with the…

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A More Peaceful World

November 22, 2012

A lot of Wall Street money goes into promoting militarism as a wholesome endeavor, but much as their sentimental appeals overwhelm patriotic consumers’ emotions, there is an illogic to the…

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A Hope and a Dream

November 20, 2012

In his American Indian Law Journal article Of Whaling, Judicial Fiats, Treaties and Indians: The Makah Saga Continues, Jeremy Stevens recounts the development of federal Indian law in the United…

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Cole’s Coal

November 15, 2012

In the interest of full disclosure, prior to my transition to Bay Area citizen, I was an environmental activist in the Salish Sea–an area that includes the San Juan Islands,…

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Extreme Violence against Bedouin village of Bir Hadaj

November 14, 2012

In the early morning hours of November 12, hundreds of Israeli police stormed the recognized Bedouin village of Bir Hadaj. The police officers were accompanied by representatives of the Israeli…

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Chief George Manuel Memorial Indigenous Library

The library is dedicated to the memory of Secwepemc Chief George Manuel (1921-1989), to the nations of the Fourth World and to the elders and generations to come.

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